Terms And Conditions


1.1) The Hirer is liable for all damage to or loss or destruction of the equipment from any cause whatsoever. Hirer will pay to Gear Grab new replacement cost of the equipment or repair costs.

1.2) The equipment will be deemed to be free from damage or defects at the time the Hirer takes possession of the equipment.

1.3) If cleaning is required the Hirer will pay $20-30, in addition to the hireage charges.

1.4) The Hirer will at all times retain custody of and ensure that only the Hirer and/or its employees or agents having appropriate qualifications and experience are permitted to use the equipment.

1.5) The Hirer shall ensure that equipment usage will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and safety relating to the operation and use of the equipment.

1.6) The Hirer agrees that Gear Grab is not responsible/liable for any harm, loss of life or sickness from use of equipment.

1.7) The Hirer agrees that Gear Grab will offer no compensation for damages or losses. This also includes claims made by any third party in respect of any damage or loss to any third party whilst the equipment is not in Gear Grabs possession.

1.8) Once the Hirer leaves Gear Grab with the equipment, it is in their possession until returned back to Gear Grab.

1.9) The Hirer will not sell, transfer, lend, re-hire or otherwise dispose of the equipment to any other person and will not permit any of the equipment to be subjected to any lien or security charge.

1.10) The Hirer agrees to return any equipment hired from Gear Grab within 28 days after date of hire, with full payment due on return.

1.11) The Hirer will not attempt to dismantle, repair, adjust or otherwise interfere with the equipment and the Hirer will be liable for any damage or defect arising from such interference.

1.12) The Hirer will allow Gear Grab access to the premises or location where the equipment is for the time being for the purposes of inspecting, repairing or repossessing the equipment if failure to comply gear grab will get law enforcement involved.

1.13) The Hirer will acknowledge that equipment identifying marks or stickers record they are the property of Gear Grab and will not alter or remove these marks, tracking or stickers.

1.14) The Hirer will not use any electronic equipment in wet weather conditions or the equipment to any hazardous assignment or abnormal risk.

1.15) The Hirer will agree the equipment will only be used in New Zealand and that they must be over 18years old. They must also hold a valid Photo, Drivers licence or Passport.

1.16) References in this Agreement are to New Zealand dollars and New Zealand Law.

1.17) The Hirer agrees to their Details being stored/used in Gear Grab’s system. This agreement is for all hiring with gear grab. Past present and future.